Articles & Stories

Exploring the military history of the Okanagan Valley and its people.

A Soldier With Soul

A Soldier With Soul

“I called him my Soldier with Soul.” - Anne Snyder1  Jonathan Sutherland Snyder UE, BA, S.M.V. was born Dec. 20, 1981, and raised in Penticton. From a young age, he always wanted to be a soldier. He became many things over his 26 years, starting as an Army Cadet...

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Heather’s Raiders

Heather’s Raiders

The War Diary for the Okanagan’s 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles (2CMR) made special mention of nocturnal action on November 20/21, 1916, in front of Vimy Ridge. Nine men out of 49 were recommended decorations for their daring and efficient work that night, and the unit...

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Lt. Frederick A. Heather MC, MM

Lt. Frederick A. Heather MC, MM

Lieutenant Frederick Ambler Heather MC. MM. is another of the Okanagan’s Decorated Fallen in the First World War (FWW), and another officer that rose from the ranks with the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles (BC Horse). Fred was born to Thomas and Emily H. (nee Ambler)...

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The Distinguished Service of Major C.K.L. Pyman

The Distinguished Service of Major C.K.L. Pyman

Colin Keith Lee Pyman, who was 30 years old with blue eyes, red hair, and a fair complexion, sailed with the 5th Battalion (Western Cavalry) to England on October 8th, 1914. He served briefly with the Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) in 1915 and was promoted...

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Researching military history?

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About Us

This website is run and managed by the Okanagan Military Museum, part of the Kelowna Museums Society. The Okanagan Military Museum Society [OMMS] formed in 1987 and opened the Okanagan Military Museum on November 11, 1999.